首页> 中文期刊> 《高教学刊》 >建筑类高职院校国际化专业人才培养现状及对策分析




At present, many industries in China are facing the transformation and upgrading, and the quality of the construction industry is one of the urgent problems to be solved in the course of the transformation and upgrad-ing of the construction industry. For our Architectural Colleges in today's rapid development of vocational education, explore the international market, efforts to promote China engineering construction standard internationalization, talent is the bottleneck of the development, international professional talents cultivation is one of the effective ways. There-fore, it is quite necessary to understand and analyze the current situation of the international professional training of the architectural vocational and technical colleges. The research group of 15 architectural vocational colleges for the international professional personnel training status quo survey.%目前,我国诸多行业面临转型升级,建筑业转型升级过程中提高从业人员素质是急需解决的问题之一。对于我们建筑类院校在职业教育快速发展的今天,开拓国际市场、努力推动中国工程建设标准国际化进程,人才问题是发展的瓶颈,培养国际化专业人才是有效路径之一。因此,了解并分析建筑类高职院校国际化专业人才培养现状是十分必要的。课题组对15所建筑类高职院校进行了国际化专业人才培养现状的调研。



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