首页> 中文期刊> 《菏泽学院学报》 >论科学小说与翻新小说的叙事特征∗




科学小说和翻新小说是近代兴起的两个小说流派,具有独特的叙事特征。因处于从古典向现代的转型期,其文体形态尚未定型,甚至作家也没有清晰的文体意识,导致其叙事呈现随意性特点。作家们建构其叙事结构时,既突破地球引力的限制,描绘探索星空的追求;亦打破时间顺序,将古今空间融聚一体,呈现出空间多维化特征。其创作成就深受“前理解”制约,科学小说所受影响表现为两个方面:一是受所接受的西方科学知识的影响;二是受翻译过来的西方科幻小说的影响。翻新小说多受所模拟名著建构的叙事框架、人物性格乃至命运归宿等的制约。%Science fiction and reinvented fiction are two novel schools in the modern times, with the unique narrative characteristics. Due to the transition from the classical to the modern, their styles have not been finalized, and even the writers do not have a clear sense of style and the narration presents the random characteristic. Their narrative structure not only breaks through the restriction of the earth’ s gravity, but also describes the pursuit of the exploration of the stars. It also breaks the time sequence, and integrates the ancient and modern space into one. The creation is restricted by pre-understandings, science fiction is influenced by both the western scientific knowl-edge and translated science fiction. The reinvented fiction is mostly restricted by the narrative framework, character and destiny of simulation masterpieces.



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