首页> 中文期刊> 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 >《宋会要辑稿》大晟府史料系年订误




《宋会要辑稿》是大晟府研究最为可靠的原始史料,但错误亦较繁夥。如其《乐》三之二六、二七、二八及邓洵武《诸生习乐乞行按试奏》后两道诏书中的“大观二年”当为“政和三年”,《乐》三之二五、二六中的“崇宁五年”当为“大观三年”,《乐》四之一中的“大观六年”当为“政和六年”,《食货》四三之一二中的“宣和七年”当为“政和七年”。%As a basic document of Da-Sheng Musical Ministry( DSMM) ,it is definitely ineluctable that“Song-hui-yao-ji-gao”,a collection of historical materials in the Song Dynasty,has various errors due to abundance and complexity of historical records. Up to now, various confusions about the chronology of historical events were found in different parts of“Song-hui-yao-ji-gao”. For example, it is in the year 1113 ( the third year of Zhenghe) that a set of music laws was laid down by the government, and two edicts were issued by the emperor, after which Deng Xun-wu had submitted his proposal to inspect the student′s music exercises, instead of the year 1108 ( the second year of Daguan) as were recorded on the pages from 26 to 28 of Part Three in Song-hui-yao-ji-gao′s Music Historical Materials( SMHM) . Likely, it is proved that a series of historical events took place in 1109 ( the third year of Daguan) , not in 1106 ( the fifth year of Chongning) , as were recorded on the pages 25 to 26 of Part Three in SMHM, and the year 1116 was mistakenly recorded as 1112 on the page 1 of Part Four in SMHM, and the year 1117 was mistakenly recorded as 1125 on the pages 12 of Part Forty Three in Economic Historical Materials of“Song-hui-yao-ji-gao”.



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