首页> 中文期刊>河南科技大学学报(社会科学版) >《汉书》《后汉书》中的死亡主题考验及其文化启示--以京房、郑玄的占断故实解析为视角




According to historical records,divination culture was very popular in the Han Dynasty,with numerous scholars of image and numerology and masters of divination methods as the leading force.Jing Fang and Zheng Xuan were two typical representatives forecasting death and date of death.In face of the test of death,their choice has cultural characteristics and is of great significance to later generations.On the whole, these scholars and masters as well as their accurate forecasts of their own death dates were recorded in the Han Dynasty documentaries.The test of death was miraculous and mysterious.%汉代筮卜文化盛行,象数易学家、方术家都加入进来,史籍记载丰富。西汉的京房、东汉的郑玄是两位典型代表。他们预知死亡,死亡期限被事先定格在那一瞬间;面对死亡的考验,他们的选择具有时代文化特征,对后代也具有启示意义。观照汉代文献,整体上呈现出汉代象数易学家、方术家善于筮卜自身的死亡之期,每每能占筮准确且能以身应验。死亡考验对他们来说,充满传奇色彩与神秘性。



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