首页> 中文期刊> 《河南农业大学学报》 >不同控释肥对夏玉米源库流特性的影响




在大田条件下,以常规施肥为对照,通过测定群体光合速率(CAP)、叶面积指数(LAI)、果穗叶SPAD值.子粒灌浆速率、产量、基部节间伤流强度及穗柄伤流强度等指标,研究了控释肥对夏玉米源库流特性的影响.结果表明,与常规施肥相比,控释肥显著改善了吐丝期以后群体各项生理指标,各控释肥处理的CAP,LAI和果穗叶SPAD值分别提高了5.45%~37.02%,4.61%~26.42%和1.28%~7.51%;穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重和产量增幅分别为5.56%~20.24%,5.00%~9.50%,3.73%~14.67%和3.38%~13.36%,子粒日增重的平均值增加了14.18%~19.32%;基部节间伤流强度和穗柄伤流强度的增幅分别为2.42%~74.97%和1.41%~116.67%.在本试验条件下,控释肥能明显调节夏玉米源库流特性,其中硫加树脂包膜尿素控释肥的调节效果最好.%The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizers on characteristics of source,sink and flow of summer maize. Three kinds of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizers and traditional fertilizer were designed to investigate the effects of canopy apparent photosynthesis rate, leaf area index, SPAD value, grain filling rate; yield and bleeding intensity of summer maize in a randomized design. Controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer evidently improved the characteristic of source indices, in comparison of traditional fertilizer, canopy apparent photosynthesis, leaf area index, SPAD values improved by 5.45%~37.02% , 4.61%~26.42% , 1.28%~7.51% , respectively. Controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer also evidently improved the characteristic of sink indices, kernel per ear, ear grain weight, 1 000-kernel weight, and the yield improved by 5.56%~20.24% , 5.00%~9.50% , 3.73%~14.67% ,3.38%~13.36% , respectively. During filling stage, the dry weight of grain, the average of filling rate improved by 7. 53%~45. 02% , 14. 18%~19. 32% , respectively. Bleeding intensity in spike-pedicel improved by 1.41%~116.67%. Under the conditions of this study, summer maize belonged to the source-sink interacted, among all treatments, all of the three kinds of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer produce effects on regulating the characteristics of source, sink and flow, especially the T2 treatment.



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