首页> 中文期刊> 《河南农业大学学报》 >河南省粮食综合生产能力历史演变及分析




Against the background of food security, starting with the trend and changes of total grain output, grain sowing area and grain yield per unit area, and according to the grain production data of Henan province since 1978, a total analysis was made on the comprehensive capacity of grain production in Henan province with the quantitative method. The results show that: after a period of slow and fluctuant growth, the total grain yield made a rapid growth after 2004; while, after a relatively substantial fluctuant from 1978 to 2002, grain sowing area made a unidirectional increase since 2003, and then the proportion reached record highs in the whole country; grain yield per unit area with the exception of a few years reduction, it has basically increased, especially since 2004 there appears a trend of acceleration.%在粮食安全背景下,从粮食总产量、粮食播种面积、粮食单产等变化趋势和波动入手,依据河南省1978年以来粮食生产的各项数据,应用量化方法对河南省粮食综合生产能力的历史演变做了全面的分析.结果表明,粮食总产量在经历了缓慢增长、波动增长阶段后,2004年以后快速增长;播种面积在1978-2002年有较大幅度的波动,2003年以后持续增加;粮食单产除少数年份有减少外,基本上都在增加,2004年以后增加幅度有加大趋势.



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