首页> 中文期刊> 《河南农业科学》 >利用微生物发酵蛋白质饲料及其对肥育猪生长性能的影响




In this study, soybean meal and the low-quality protein stuffs such as cottonseed meal, blood meal and feather meal were fermented by Aspergillus oryzae so as to replace traditional soybean meal for pig production. The feeding experiment was deigned as following, 70 growing pigs were divided randomly into 7 groups, including the control group with 26% traditional soybean meal, the fermented low-quality protein stuffs (cottonseed meal, blood meal and feather meal) groups (treatment 1,2 and 3 containing 7%, 14%,21% fermented protein stuffs, respectively), unfermented low-quality protein stuffs group (treatment 4 containing 14% unfermented protein stuffs), the digestible energy adjusted group based on treatment 2 (treatment 5 with the same digestible energy as the control group), and fermented soybean meal group (treatment 6 containing 14% fermented soybean meal). The results showed that compared to the controlgroup, the average daily gain (ADG) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) in treatment 1 was increased by 8. 35%(P0. 05), respectively. Analysis of economic benefits indicated that the net income in treatment 1 and 6 was increased by 9. 31% and 8. 17% .respectively. The result indicates that the fermented soybean meal (14% in diet) or low-quality protein stuffs (7% in diet) are better than the traditional soybean meal for improving pig production.%利用米曲霉,分别固态发酵豆粕和复合劣质蛋白质饲料(棉粕、血粉、羽毛粉),并对肥育猪进 行饲养试验.试验选用65日龄健康、体质量相近的三元杂交(杜×长×大)仔猪70头,随机分成7 个组,分别为对照组(全价料中豆粕的含量为26%),试验1、2、3组(发酵劣质蛋白质等量地替代对 照组中的豆粕,其最终含量为7%、14%、21%),试验4组(未发酵的劣质蛋白等量地替代对照组中 的豆粕,其最终含量为14%),试验5组(日粮配制同试验2组,其消化能水平调节到与对照组一 致),试验6组(发酵豆粕等量地替代对照组中的豆粕,其最终含量为14%).结果表明,试验1组 猪日增体质量和日采食量分别比对照组提高了8.35% (P<0.05)和7.83%;试验2组猪日增体质 量显著高于试验4组(P<0.05),与试验5组差异不显著(P>0.05);试验6组的日增体质量和饲 料效率分别比对照组提高了4.02%和7.36% (P>0.05).经济效益分析表明,试验1组和6组每 头猪所获得的利润,分别比对照组提高了9.31%和8.17%.由此可知,经微生物发酵后的豆粕及 劣质蛋白在仔猪饲粮中的适宜添加量分别为14%和7%,其各项指标均优于传统的豆粕.



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