首页> 中文期刊> 《河南农业科学》 >几种叶黄素方剂对高温高湿环境中蛋鸡行为和生产性能的影响




In order to investigate the effects of different lutein mixture compounds on behavior and per-formance of laying hens in high temperature and humidity environment,two hundred and sixteen 47-week-old lohmann laying hens were randomly divided into normal control group,high temperature control group, high temperature lutein group and lutein compound Ⅰ—Ⅲ groups. The control group was fed with basal diets,while the lutein group and lutein compound Ⅰ—Ⅲ groups were fed with diets supplemented 120 mg/kg lutein and lutein compound Ⅰ—Ⅲ(120 mg/kg lutein+1 g/kg betaine,120 mg/kg lutein+200 mg/kg VC,120 mg/kg lutein+2 g/kg Chinese herb) . The results showed that lutein mixture compounds could decrease the mortality and improve the healthy condition of hens significantly. Compared with high temperature control group, the feed consumptions of hens in letein group and lutein compound Ⅰ—Ⅲgroups increased by 1 . 59%( P 0. 05),8. 31%(P0. 05),44. 26%(P 0. 05), 6. 85%(P0.05)、8.31%(P0.05)、44.26%(P0.05)、6.85%(P<0.01)、6.05%(P<0.01)、4.03%(P<0.05);死淘率分别降低了12.51%、74.98%、87.49%、50 .00%。可见,几种叶黄素方剂均具有缓解热应激作用,以叶黄素合剂Ⅱ效果最佳。



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