首页> 中文期刊>合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版) >出版自由与民主建构--托克维尔新闻传播思想探析




新闻民主既指以新闻资源作为手段参与社会的民主化进程,也指新闻资源配置的民主化。托克维尔认为,出版自由既能促进新闻资源参与社会的民主化进程,又能促进新闻资源的民主化配置;报刊不仅给人民提供接收信息的途径,也是人民发声的平台,它既影响民主社会的政治制度,也影响民主社会的民情,而法治和民情则是民主社会长治久安的基础,在出版自由制度下,可通过舆论监督、提供政治信息、制造社团、分散报刊权力等的新闻传播活动对民主政治产生影响;可通过疏导情绪、形成正确的结社观、养成恰当的结社技巧和形成情感认同等途径来影响民情。%Democracy of new s refers to the participation of new s resources in social democratization process as a means ,and to the democratization of news resources configuration .Tocqueville believes that freedom of the press can promote the participation of new s resources in social democratization process and the democratization of news resources configuration .Newspaper is not only a way for peo‐ple to receive information ,but also a platform of people's voices .It affects the political system and the conditions of people of a democratic society ,and the rule of law and the conditions of the people are the basis of the peace and stability of a democratic society .Under the system of freedom of the press , the democratic politics can be influenced by the new s dissemination activities such as the supervision of the government ,the political information offering ,the community formation ,the decentralization of newspaper power and so on .People can be influenced through the emotion guidance ,the formation of correct views of social groups ,the development of appropriate skills of association ,the formation of e‐motional identity and other ways .



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