首页> 中文期刊>合肥师范学院学报 >共产国际、俄共(布)对于中国革命联合对象的选择——以吴佩孚、陈炯明和孙中山为例




共产国际、俄共(布)的对华政策具有双重性:一方面,推进中国革命与东方革命,以便打击帝国主义后方,摧毁其殖民体系,从而推动世界无产阶级革命;另一方面,要同当时中国的合法政府——北京政府,甚至地方军阀保持外交和经济关系,从而保留沙俄在中国遗留的部分特权。共产国际与俄共(布)最初选择掌握北京政府实权的吴佩孚为合作对象,后又极力促使吴佩孚与孙中山组成亲俄政府,还曾瞩目于南方的实力派陈炯明。几经波折之后,才把关注的重心转向实力和地位不断上升的孙中山。%The Communist International and Russian Communist Party's policy to China had a dual nature: on the one hand,the Communist International and Russian Communist Party pushed forward Chinese and eastern revolution so as to crack down on the imperialist rear and destroy the colonialist system,therefore,pushing forward the proletarian revolution in the world;on the other hand,they intended to maintain the economic and diplomatic relations with the Peking Government,then legal government in China,even the local warlords so as to enjoy the some privileges Czarist Russia had left and continue to grab interests.Originally the Communist International and Russian Communist Party chose to cooperate with WU Pei-fu who was in charge of the power of Peking Government,and then tried to urge WU to set up a pro-Russian government with SUN Yetsen,and even to get into touch with CHEN Jiong-ming.After failures,they began to focus their attention on SUN,a rising power.While deciding the revolutionary partner with China,the Communist International and Russian Communist Party found a satisfactory solution to their national interests that they were concerned about most.



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