首页> 中文期刊>石家庄经济学院学报 >收入不平等和经济增长关系研究——基于中国1978年—2010年的数据




The relationship between income inequality and economic growth not only is one of the hot topics of modern economic issues,but also is one of basic topic of contemporary international society.However,we never get a unanimous conclusion for their relationship.Therefore,doing the research on this topic has certain academic necessity.At the same time,along with the rapid economic growth,the inequality dramatically gets worse and also causes some problems.So,studying the relationship will have the vital significance in providing policy advice for economic development and the construction of harmonious society in China.By using data from 1978 to 2010,the relationship between inequality and the economic growth in China is analyzed,the suitability of the inverse U curve in China and the position of the transition point are also analyzed and calculated.%收入分配与经济增长的关系问题,不仅是现代经济学说中的主流学术议题之一,也是当代国际社会共同关注的基本话题,但对于其关系,始终没有得到一致的结论。随着中国经济的快速发展,收入分配不平等程度急剧恶化并带来了一些问题,分析该问题对于中国的经济发展与和谐社会的构建具有重要的意义。基于此,采用1978年—2010年的数据,对中国收入分配不平等和经济增长之间的关系进行了分析,并探讨了倒U型曲线在中国的适用性及拐点所在位置。



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