首页> 中文期刊> 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(社会科学版)》 >伪满洲中央银行发行的纸币考证




1931 "9 · 18 Incident", the Japanese imperialists in order to foster the establishment of the Qing Emperor Pu Yi as the head of Thomson puppet regime in Manchukuo. For the comprehensive control of the Northeast economy, but also planning the establishment of the Central Bank of Manchukuo, and forced issue coins, the collection of old currency, to unify the Northeast currency. Manchukuo Central Bank notes issued by the huge amount and variety, has issued bonds and the transformation A, B, C, D and many other sets of tickets. These coins have been changing face patterns, the intention is simply full paralysis of the Chinese people's anti - Japanese sentiment in order to facilitate the, expansion issue, monopolies and the financial markets dominate the Northeast.%1931年九一八事变后,日本帝国主义扶植建立了以满清逊帝溥仪为头子的傀儡政权伪满洲国。为全面控制东北经济,又策划建立了伪满洲中央银行,并强行发行伪币,收缴旧币,以统一东北币制。伪满洲中央银行发行的纸币数额巨大,种类繁多,先后发行改造券及甲、乙、丙、丁等多套票券。这些伪币不断变换票面图案,其用意无非是麻痹中国人民的反满抗日情绪,以利于扩大发行,垄断和独霸东北金融市场。



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