首页> 中文期刊>杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版) >开明、威权与自由之光--160年缅甸新闻法制史管窥




缅甸曾经是亚洲享有最充分的新闻自由的国家,但是到了20世纪中期以后,随着1962年军事政变,缅甸由一个亚洲较富裕国家变成了落后国家,新闻界则经历了长达半个世纪的新闻管制。2011年,缅甸开启民主化政治改革,新闻界也随之开始了改革之路。通过梳理缅甸历史上的新闻自由、二战后军政府对新闻的管制和媒体的抗争以及正在进行的政治新闻变革举措,可以揭示出一个当代威权主义国家刚刚开始的媒体和政治转型之路。%Burma used to be a country which enjoyed the freedom of press in Asia during the 19th century.However, after the military coup in 1962, the press in Burma experienced more than half a century of news blackout, drawing back from a rich country in Asia to a backward one.In 2011, due to the launching of the political and democratic reform, the press in Burma started its reforming process.This paper aims to discuss the history of news development in Burma, including the freedom of press in the past, the news blackout after the 2nd World War by the military government and the struggle of media, and the polit-ical, news reform at the moment.In this way, an authoritative nation with news and political change on its way is to be presen-ted.



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