首页> 中文期刊>邯郸学院学报 >非物质文化遗产保护视野下太极拳的高校传承模式实证研究——兼谈民族体育高校传承的实践




在当今经济全球化和教育国际化的大背景下,以及“文化生态”的剧烈变化下,中国传统文化受到越来越强烈的冲击,部分中国传统文化(包括武术)变得面目全非,不少遗产已经消失(失传)或行将消失,使人痛心疾首、忧心如焚。即使有一部分还保留着它们本来的面貌,也受到不同程度的“异化”或“西化”,而且其必变之势也已初见端倪。面对这样的现状,如何传承,使优秀传统文化在不变质的前提下传承下去,是摆在我们面前的一重大课题。太极拳做为国家级非物质文化遗产,同样也面临着这样的窘境,探索一条保护非物质文化遗产的路径,使中国的优秀文化能够传承下去是我们的研究目的。在这样局面下,我们探索了一条切实可行的太极拳高校传承的模式:模式一,太极拳学科化、专业化传承与发展;模式二:保护与培养高校太极传承人。%Under the influence of the economic globalization, education internationalization and dramatically change of cultural ecology, the Chinese traditional cultures, especially the Chinese Wushu and some intangible cultural heritages have been challenged. This situation is distressing. Chinese traditional Wushu culture is a lustrous pearl of Chinese culture as well as a precious part of world culture. So, how to ensure the inheritance, promotion and development of the fine traditional Wushu culture on the basis of effective protection has become more and more urgent. (Under such circumstances, how to inherit and pass on and promote traditional Chinese outstanding Wushu culture is a new and urgent problem.)



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