首页> 中文期刊>广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >文学史传统与穿越小说的青春想象——网络小说的青春主题研究之五




"Running away" narration is an important motif in the creation of new literature,which is the symbol of the individual freedom as well as the fracture of the growth of new people and family culture under the influence of enlightenment culture.In traditional culture,family is the cornerstone of society,family ethics are also the important support of the stable operation of society,and youths' running away is the essence of abandoning family ethics.The combination of "running away" and "revolution" combines the individual spiritual growth and the realistic growth to realize the transformation from the individual narrative to the ethnic and national narration."Traveling through time" and "running away" are the different presentations of the writing of youth in different periods,which is the embodiment of the "fracture" behavior.The time-travelers can not find the foothold in reality,and they live in a life of "hardship",lack cultural identity and the value pursuit,lose self-identity,indulge in private life and resolve the "public space" into "private space",which is a continuation of the small traditions that focus on daily life narration in the creation of new literature.%"出走"叙事是新文学创作的重要母题,是启蒙文化影响下个性自由和新人成长与家族文化断裂的标志.传统文化中的家族是社会的基石,家族伦理更是社会稳定运行的重要支撑,青年离家出走的实质是摈弃家族伦理."出走"与"革命"的结合将个体的精神成长与现实成长结合起来,实现了个人叙事向民族、家国叙事的转化."穿越"和"出走"是不同时期青春书写的不同呈现,是青春"断裂"行为的体现.穿越者在现实中无法找到立足点,生活"困顿",缺少文化认同和价值追求,迷失了自我身份,沉溺于私人生活,把"公共空间"消解为"私人空间",是新文学创作中关注日常生活叙事小传统的延续.



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