首页> 中文期刊>广东财经职业学院学报 >中国周边安全形势的研析及应对战略构思




本文以中国为中心区域,对中国周边邻国、地区的相互关系,从安全视角进行6大战略方位的形势分析;有针对性地提出10个方面的应对战略构思,包括周边安全的总体框架;与周边各国的交流合作;解决领土领海纠纷的基本原则;对美国因素的两手方针;解决东北亚问题的辩证思考;建设强大海空力量的紧迫性;西部合作反恐;大力发展中俄、中印友好合作关系;全力推进两岸关系和平发展;关键是把国内的事办好等。%The paper conducts a situational analysis of the regional relationships among China's neighboringcountries and areas from the perspective of security. It tentatively proposes a framework of response strategy in the following ten aspects: a global framework of peripheral security, communication and cooperation with neighboring countries, the principles regarding solutions to territorial and marginal disputes, double tactics towards the USA, dialectical thinking on dealing with Northeast Asia issues, the emergency of air and marine force enhancement, cooperative antiterrorism in the west of China, friendly ties between China and India, advancing the peaceful development of cross-strait relationship, and the settling of domestic issues as the key to the whole cause.



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