首页> 中文期刊>广东农工商职业技术学院学报 >《宋代民众祠神信仰研究》评介




The existence and evolution of the diffused religion in Song Dynasty was investigated in the A Study of the diffused religion in the Song Dynasty. The relationship between the diffused religion and other social elements, such as political rights, social group, economic power and transportation network, was focused in the monograph. Besides, the author revealed the development and change rule of the Song Dynasty diffused religion in the context of Tang-Song Transition. The study of the diffused religion in the Song Dynasty is promoted by this monograph, which owns profound meaning and academic value.%《:宋代民众祠神信仰研究》一书通过考察宋代祠神信仰存在、演变的真实状况,重点探讨了其与社会其他部分,如政治权利、社会群体、经济力量、交通网络等要素之间的互动关系。综观全书,作者试图在“唐宋大变革”这一背景下勾勒出宋代祠神信仰的演变轨迹及其发生的带有规律性的变化。该书作为一部较为深入研究宋代祠神信仰的专著,进一步丰富了宋代民间信仰的研究,具有非常重要的学术价值和现实价值。



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