首页> 中文期刊> 《甘肃科学学报》 >基于整流化的某发动机生产线作业系统优化与排产设计




选取以工程机械行业极具代表性的某发动机制造企业生产线为案例,进行作业系统优化和排产设计研究。针对生产线作业系统设计不合理的现状,按照产品原则进行生产线功能重组,实现发动机“整流化”生产;针对辅助人员冗余的情况,利用标准工时测定的方法,进行辅助人员定编,使其得到合理配置,并减少了30%的辅助人员。在此基础上,以生产线加工能力为指导进行排产方法设计,全面实现了生产资源的优化配置。%Take a production line of engine manufacturing enterprise which is a high representative of con-struction machinery industry as example to conduct the operating system optimization and production scheduling design research.Targeting at the current situation of unreasonable production line operating sys-tem design,conduct production line functional reorganization acco rding to the product principle and a-chieve the streamlining production of engine;targeting at the situation of auxiliary personnel redundancy, conduct the personnel allocation of auxiliary personnel by the mean of standard working hours determina-tion and make them has reasonable allocation which reduce 30% auxiliary personnel;on that basis,conduct the production scheduling method design taking the production line processing capability as the guidance, completely achieve the optimization arrangement of production resource.



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