首页> 中文期刊> 《福建警察学院学报》 >网络传销犯罪侦查模式研究




Network pyramid selling crime, as the upgrade of traditional pyramid selling crime, has features of participating socially, spreading quickly,operating high intellectually and hiding deeply. Compared to the latter, it's more socially harmful and difficult to investigate. In the practice of investigating network pyramid selling crime, there are many problems such as getting involved too passively, corporation mecha- nism not perfect,means of obtainning proof backward and making public improperly. To effectively combat and control it,we should develop traditional investigation mode such as getting involved positively in case register, enhancing cooperation in the course of investigation, merging the policeman and together and conducting the relation of investigating secretly and investigating publicly rightly.%网络传销犯罪作为传统传销犯罪的"升级",具有涉众广泛、传播迅速、高度智能和高度隐蔽等特点,相比于传统传销犯罪,网络传销犯罪的社会危害更大,侦办难度也更大。目前,在网络传销犯罪的侦办方面,传统的侦查模式存在着侦查介入过于被动、侦查协作机制不全、侦查取证手段落后和侦查公开把握不好等诸多问题。为有效打击和控制网络传销犯罪,须对传统的侦查模式予以改革,在侦查立案方面,变消极被动为积极主动;在侦查协作方面,变"单兵作战"为协同作战;在侦查取证方面,变侦技分离为侦技合一;在侦查公开方面,正确处理侦查秘密与侦查公开之间的关系。



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