首页> 中文期刊> 《福建警察学院学报》 >关于福州公安信访工作情况的调研报告




In order to improve the work of letters and calls with the subject of "catching the source , strengthe-ning the groundwork and mechanism , promoting the specification"carried out by the superior public security organ and to crack the prominent problems which restrict the development of the police work of letters and calls , Fuzhou public security bureau has organized special investigation and research activities with the purpose of listening to the words from the police team at grass-roots level.After that, everyone is united on the belief that when dealing with the police work of letters and calls , we should emphasize its source management , perfect its work mechanism , strengthen its team construction , and regulate the behaviors of the petitioners .%为紧密结合上级公安机关统一部署的信访“抓源头、打基础、强机制、促规范”活动,破解制约公安信访工作科学发展的突出问题,福州市公安局组织了专项调研活动,认真倾听福州地区基层公安队伍的心声。大家一致认为,要做好公安信访工作,就应加强公安信访源头治理、完善公安信访工作机制、加强公安信访部门队伍建设、依法规范上访行为。



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