首页> 中文期刊> 《福建警察学院学报》 >沈海高速公路泉州段事故黑点鉴别与改善对策




As traffic accidents occur most frequently in traffic accidents'black-spots, it is crucial to identify them and take precautions .Based on traffic data collected from 1 April 2012 to 3 March 2013 in18 potentially dan-gerous sections of Shenhai freeway within Quanzhou area , we can identify the traffic accidents'black-spots with e-quivalent accident frequency method .The results agree with the supervised freeway sections with back-spots by the local traffic prevention agency in 2013 .Generally speaking , detour sections , the change of roadsides opening , un-reasonable setting of the road signs and excessive flow of automobiles may easily cause the blind point .Therefore , measures should be taken to improve the safety awareness of the drivers and to enhance the inspection and mainte -nance of the automobiles .Also,we should optimize the changes taken in line-type and ensure the quality of the road surface as well as the safety facilities in road traffic .%事故黑点是交通事故高发地段,具有较大的危害性,应尽早鉴别。基于2012年4月1日至2013年3月31日泉州辖区内沈海高速公路的18个隐患路段的四项指标数据,采用当量总事故次数法确定了泉州辖区沈海高速公路的事故黑点,结果与2013年福建省预防道路交通事故领导小组办公室督办的事故黑点路段一致。一般在弯路段、路侧开口变化、道路标志设置不合理以及车流量过大的情况下容易形成事故黑点,因此,应提高驾驶人的安全意识、加强车辆日常维护与检查、优化线形改造、保证道路路面质量以及完善道路交通安全设施。



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