首页> 中文期刊> 《福建警察学院学报》 >公安院校“1+N”教学法改革初探




公安院校一直以来在加强学生警务化管理的同时,积极探讨公安学科专业建设,尤其是在教学教研方面进行了许多有益的探索和尝试,积累了不少教学改革经验。但课堂教学方法改革和探讨却明显滞后,公安高校课堂教学仍然以传统的单一主讲教师讲授为主,迫切需要加大教改力度,将“1+N”教学法引入课堂教学,力求在授课团队建设、授课资源多样化、合理拓宽教学时间和空间等方面突破传统的教学模式,并通过观念创新、内容创新、机制创新等提升公安院校的课堂教学效果。%When strengthening the police management to students, the public security universities have been actively exploring the professional construction of public security subjects. And since a lot of useful exploration and attempt has been made in teaching and researching, we have accumulated a wealth of experience about the teaching reform these years. However, the reform of teaching methods tends to lag behind the changes. For example, the traditional model still dominates the classroom teaching,and only the teacher acts in the class. Therefore, it's neces-sary for the public security universities to strengthen the teaching reform, and the "1+N"teaching method should be introduced now. This new teaching method lays emphasis on the construction of the teaching team, the diversifi-cation of the teaching resources and the improvement of the teaching time and space, which breaks the traditional teaching model with the innovation in concept, content and mechanism. We believe that the teaching method can improve the effect of classroom teaching in public security universities.



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