首页> 中文期刊> 《福建医科大学学报》 >福建省宁德市居民龋病流行病学抽样调查报告




目的:了解福建省宁德市居民的口腔健康状况及流行趋势,了解龋病在宁德市的分布规律,为今后龋病防治工作提供基线资料和科学依据。方法采用多阶段、分层、随机抽样的方法,对宁德市5,12,35~44及65~74岁4个年龄组的牙齿患龋情况进行抽样调查。结果随着年龄的增长,患龋率与龋均呈上升趋势;12岁年龄组女性的患龋率和龋均均高于男性(P <0.05),35~44岁年龄组农村患龋率高于城市地区(P <0.05),5,65~74岁年龄组农村人群龋均均高于城市(P <0.05),其他年龄组城乡之间差别无统计学意义(P >0.05);山区65~74岁年龄组龋均与患龋率均高于沿海地区(P <0.05)。结论福建省宁德市居民的患龋情况不容乐观,需加大口腔预防保健的力度,增强口腔健康意识,提高口腔健康水平。%Objective To survey the distribution of dental caries in Ningde,Fujian province,and provide a scientific basis for instituting schedule for oral health prevention. Methods The methods of multi-stage,stratified and randomized sampling were used in the investigations on people of 5 ~74 years old in Ningde,Fujian province. Results The prevalence of dental caries and DMFT showed an upward trend with ages;the rate at which women in the 12-year-old age group were suffering from dental caries were higher than men(P <0.05). In 35~44 age group,caries rate in rural areas was higher than those in urban areas(P <0.05),and in 5 and 65~74 age groups,DMFT in rural areas were also higher than those in urban areas(P <0.05);There was no significant difference between urban and rural areas in other age groups(P >0.05);The prevalence of dental caries and DMFT in mountainous regions were higher than those in costal areas(P <0.05). Conclusion The dental caries condition is still unoptimistic in Ningde, Fujian province. It is necessary to take steps to strengthen the prevention of dental caries.



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