首页> 中文期刊>工程研究-跨学科视野中的工程 >治理现代化视阈下基层社会治理的制度建构




基层社会治理是国家治理体系中的重要组成部分,位于纵向行政体系与横向社会网络的交接部。在转型期,基层社会治理面对大量新问题。本文在治理现代化的视角下,探讨基层社会治理的制度选择与秩序重建该何去何从。从近年来社会变迁引发的社会问题入手,阐述了基层社会治理面对的基本环境和情势;在此基础上,分析了现有社会管理方式对外部挑战的不适应性;据此,提出了重建基层社会治理制度、实现其治理现代化的进路。本文主旨观点是,传统封闭、单一中心的国家管理模式,已无法应对高度复杂、异质性和不确定性的社会变迁,为增进国家治理能力,政府亟需建立开放性、包容性的社会治理体系,建构新型的国家–社会关系,形成政府与社会协同治理的“共治”格局。%In the past 30 years, multiple transitions occurred from economy, politics to society, which brought about deep changes of China. With these rapid changes, the traditional state-society relation altered, and the legitimacy of a dominant government faces challenges. The norm of governance modernization represents a strong demand for reforming traditional political and administrative institutions and reconstructing a new govern-ance mode in order to adapt to the social changes. As a significant part of the whole social governance system, governance institutions at grass roots level are very important because of their relevance to social stability. Re-search of the paper focuses on the issue of what factors influence contemporary structure of government manage-ment vertically and horizontally and bring about the inadaptability of government at grass roots level. Based on the analysis, the paper discusses the possibilities of initiatives and reform choices at grass roots level within the framework of modernization of state governance system.



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