首页> 中文期刊>辽东学院学报(社会科学版) >论梁山的忠义与招安--《水浒传》的思想倾向新探(二)




In Xun Zi’s idea, loyalism (忠) means that an official dares to disobey king ’s order so as to protect the essential in-terest of him, instead of being absolutely obedient .Besides, righteousness (义) is defined from“仪 (yi, ceremony)” and“宜 (yi, proper)”.In one hand, righteousness demands that a person should act according to the stipulation of etiquette ;on the other hand, he should struggle against the behaviors that violate the etiquette .In Water Margin, the concept of righteousness is used strictly according to this definition .The fact that Song Jiang receives the amnesty and enlistment of the dynasty is real , but in it the author shows a con-tradiction of idea .The act of Song Jiang gives up the Confucian dream of a benevolent government , which making the author to realize the difficulty of the dream .With a writing style in the Spring and Autumn period , the author criticizes the Hui Emperor of the Song dy-nasty for his misdoings .The purpose of the description is to warn the ruler of the Ming dynasty he lives in , which is a worse one than the Northern Song dynasty .%所谓“忠”,按照荀子的界定,只有“逆命而利君”即能够不尊从君的错误意见,却有利于君的根本利益才是忠的,而不是“唯君命是从”。所谓“义”,是根据其同音字“仪”与“宜”来定义的。“仪”(礼)是其根本。“宜”则是其行为表现的是否得当的评价。因此,“义”一方面是要求个人严格按“礼”的规定来行事,另一方面则是对一切违反“礼”的行为进行坚决斗争。《水浒传》中对义的概念的使用,就是严格按照这一定义。宋江接受招安一方面是历史的真实与无奈;一方面表现出作者的思想矛盾,儒家的“王道梦”在宋江身上半途而废,作者改变不了历史,但作者体察到了“王道梦”实现的艰难。《水浒传》运用春秋笔法批评宋徽宗因无道、失道造成天下大乱,因谋杀忠义而最终亡国,其意义乃在于借此向他所生活的明代社会---一个比北宋更为黑暗的,更为礼崩乐坏的时代,一个更加严酷的重用奸佞,诛杀忠义的最高统治者敲响警钟。



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