首页> 中文期刊>大连理工大学学报(社会科学版) >基于赫芬达尔赫希曼指数的我国高校创新要素集聚度研究




By the strategy of national regional development advanced , the grow th of regional economics has gradually become the focus .As the basic component of the regional innovation system ,the innovation elements of university are the source of the sustainable growth of regional economy .The agglomeration of innovation el‐ements in regional distribution is the external performance of regional innovation and development ,which also affects the sustainable growth of regional economy .Therefore ,it is based on the Herfindahl‐Hirschman Index to measure the agglomeration degree of university innovative elements in three major region and 31 provinces a‐round the country .According to the research ,the eastern region is the high degree of agglomeration area of u‐niversity innovative elements in China ;and there is no obvious agglomeration phenomenon in the midland and the western .%随着国家区域发展战略不断推进,区域经济增长的可持续性逐渐成为关注焦点。高校创新要素作为区域创新系统中的基本组成部分,是实现区域经济可持续增长的源动力。而创新要素资源在区域分布上的集聚,是区域创新发展的外在表现,影响着区域经济的可持续增长。因此,文章通过借鉴产业经济学中的赫芬达尔赫希曼指数,对全国三大主要区域及各省区市的高校创新要素资源的空间集聚水平进行测度,研究结果表明:东部地区是我国高校创新要素资源的高度集聚区;中部、西部地区要素资源没有出现明显的要素集聚现象。



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