首页> 中文期刊> 《大连交通大学学报》 >PCBs粉末改性沥青流变性能及相容性




The rheological properties at high and low temperatures and compatibility of asphalt samples with different contents of PCBs powders were studied by using temperature sweep and frequency sweep of dynamicshear rheometer,bending beam rheometer test and storage stability test. Results show that with the PCBs pow-der content increase,complex module is increased significantly,phase angle has a slight decrease,rutting factor is improved and zero shear viscosity at 60℃ is improved sharply,indicating that high temperature property is enhanced. The stiffness modulus increase and creep rate decrease show that at low tempenature resisting crackbecomes worse,compatibility between PCBs powders and virgin asphalt becomes worse gradually. The PCBs powers content of 6% is the best followed by that of 12%,and the compatibility of the two is close,while that of 18% is worse.%采用了动态剪切流变仪的温度扫描和频率扫描方法、低温弯曲蠕变劲度试验、离析试验等方法对废旧印刷线路板粉末(Printed circuit boards,PCBs)掺量为0%、6%、12%、18%的沥青试样的高低温流变性能及相容性进行了研究,结果表明:随着PCBs粉末掺量的增加,沥青的复数模量G*有明显增大,相位角小幅降低,车辙因子G*/sinδ得到了提高,60℃零剪切粘度明显提高,高温流变性能得到显著增强;劲度模量S值在增大,蠕变速率m值在减小,沥青的低温抗裂性能变差;PCBs粉末与基质沥青的相容性在逐渐变差,其中6%的最好,12%的次之,并且与6%的接近,18%的最差.



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