首页> 中文期刊> 《临床肺科杂志》 >老年糖尿病肺部感染患者临床病原学特点及治疗




目的 通过对住院老年糖尿病合并肺部感染患者和非糖尿病合并肺部感染患者的观察,探讨老年糖尿病和非糖尿病合并肺部感染的病原菌学分布特点和药物敏感性.方法 对2年住院诊断为老年糖尿病合并肺部感染患者54例和非糖尿病合并肺部感染患者46例,采用痰标本进行细菌学培养与鉴定.结果 老年糖尿病合并肺部感染的患者病原菌以G-杆菌多见,主要为肺炎克雷伯杆菌、铜绿假单孢杆菌、产气杆菌,其次以金黄色葡萄球菌多见,真菌位于第三位.且老年糖尿病合并肺部感染的患者更易出现抗生素耐药.选择有效、敏感的抗生素是治疗老年糖尿病合并肺部感染患者的关键.%Objective To observation in hospitalization of elderly diabetics and non-diabetics with pulmonary infection, to explore the elderly diabetics and non-diabetics with pulmonary infection in the distribution of characteristics of pathogen and drug sensitivity.Methods In two years patients diagnosed as the elderly diabetics groug 54 cases and non-diabetics groug 46 cases with pulmonary infection, the use of bacteriological culture of sputum specimens and identification. Resultion It were more infected with G - bacillus in elderly diabetics with pulmonary infection, mainly were klebsiella pueumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa and bacillus aemgenes, followed often by staphylococcus aureus,fung located in the third. The antibiotic resistance were more produced in elderly diabetics with pulmonary infection. The key of treatmont in elderly diabetics with pulmonary infection, was selecting to offective and sensitive antibiotics.



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