首页> 外国专利> WAY DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Clinical and pathogenetic variants of bronchial asthma and initial stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

WAY DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Clinical and pathogenetic variants of bronchial asthma and initial stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease



FIELD: medicine.; SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine particularly to allergology and pulmonology and can be used in differential diagnostics of bronchial asthma (BA) - atopic asthma (AA), asthmatic triad (AT) and incipience of chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD). For this purpose respiratory function is checked of a patient and Tiffeneau index is defined. Then cytokines IL-4 and IL-8 concentration in periferic blood and antioxidant transferrin are defined. Further the mathematical model including the examined indexes is made and complex mathematic performance evaluation. On the first stage the regressive function is calculated according to the formula f COLD/BA = 4.1609+ a*(-5.787)+b*(-0.062)+c*(0.01308)+d*(-0.1025) where Tiffeneau index (1 - value 70% of the due values, 0 - value 70% of the due values); b content IL-4 (equivalent units); c content IL-8 (equivalent units); d - transferrin content (equivalent units). Then the potential is calculated in respect to according to the formular P COLD/BA =1/(1+y -fCOLD/BA ) where P COLD/BA is potential COLD occurrence in respect to BA; e=2.718 is the base of the natural logarithm. With P COLD/BA ≥0.5 the probability of COLD occurrence is higher in respect to BA - in this case COLD is diagnosed. If P COLD/BA 0.5 the probability of BA occurrence is higher in respect to COLD. In this case pass to the second stage when the regressive function is calculated according to the formula F AT/AA =-21.847+a*(26.607)+b*(-0.2227)+c*(0.1)+d*(-0.304). After this the probability of AT occurrence in respect to AA is calculated according to the formula PAT/AA =1/(1+e -1AT/AA ) where PAT/AA is the probability of At occurrence in respect to AA. With PAT/AA ≥0.5 the probability of AT occurrence is higher in respect to AA then AT is diagnosed. If P PAT/AA 0.5 the probability of AA occurrence is higher in respect to AT then AA is diagnosed.; EFFECT: means provides timely effective differential diagnostics of bronchial asthma clinico-pathogenetic variants and incipience of COLD for timely pathogenetic treatment of such diseases.;3 ex, 1 dwg
机译: FIELD:药物。 物质:本发明涉及特别是变应性和肺病学的药物,可用于支气管哮喘(BA)-特应性哮喘(AA),哮喘三联征(AT)和慢性阻塞性肺疾病的发作的鉴别诊断(冷)。为此,检查患者的呼吸功能并定义Tiffeneau指数。然后确定了periferic血液中的细胞因子IL-4和IL-8浓度以及抗氧化剂转铁蛋白。进一步建立了包括检验指标在内的数学模型并进行了复杂的数学性能评估。在第一阶段,根据公式f COLD / BA = 4.1609+ a *(-5.787)+ b *(-0.062)+ c *(0.01308)+ d *( -0.1025)其中Tiffeneau指数(1-值>正常值的70%,0-值>正常值的70%); b含量IL-4(当量单位); c含量IL-8(当量单位); d-转铁蛋白含量(当量单位)。然后根据公式P COLD / BA = 1 /(1 + y -fCOLD / BA )来计算电势,其中P COLD / BA 是与BA有关的潜在COLD发生; e = 2.718是自然对数的底数。当P COLD / BA ≥0.5时,相对于BA,发生COLD的可能性更高-在这种情况下,将诊断为COLD。如果P COLD / BA <0.5,则相对于COLD,发生BA的可能性更高。在这种情况下,当根据公式F AT / AA =-21.847 + a *(26.607)+ b *(-0.2227)+ c *(0.1)计算回归函数时,进入第二阶段)+ d *(-0.304)。此后,根据公式P AT / AA = 1 /(1 + e -1AT / AA )计算AT相对于AA的概率,其中P < Sub> AT / AA 是相对于AA发生At的概率。当P AT / AA ≥0.5时,相对于AA,发生AT的可能性更高,然后诊断为AT。如果P P AT / AA <0.5,相对于AT,AA发生的可能性更高,则诊断为AA。 效果:手段可为支气管哮喘的临床病理变异和COLD的发生提供及时有效的鉴别诊断,以及时对此类疾病进行病原学治疗。; 3 ex,1 dwg


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