首页> 中文期刊> 《临床心身疾病杂志》 >基诺族精神与行为障碍流行病学调查




目的:了解基诺族精神与行为障碍流行病学状况,为开展有针对性的健康教育提供依据。方法抽取景洪市基诺族乡基诺族村民4934人,采用《精神现状检查》诊断工具进行调查,采用《国际疾病分类》第10版对线索病例进行诊断分类。结果精神疾病总时点患病率17.35%,终生患病率19.09%。烟草依赖及有害使用时点患病率10.92%,终生患病率11.88%;酒精依赖及有害时点患病率4.11%,终生患病率4.40%;睡眠障碍时点患病率0.53%,终生患病率0.63%;精神分裂症时点患病率0.36%,终生患病率0.43%;精神发育迟滞时点患病率0.28%,终生患病率0.36%;焦虑障碍时点患病率0.24%,终生患病率0.30%;情感障碍时点患病率0.14%,终生患病率0.22%;癫痫终生患病率0.08%。结论基诺族精神疾病谱较广,烟、酒问题仍很突出,罹患精神疾病后主动就医率低,精神卫生知识的普及和心理健康教育工作亟待加强。%Objective To survey the epidemiological situations of mental and behavior disorders in Jinuo nationality in order to provide basis for developing purposeful health education .Methods Surveys were carried out using the diagnosis instrument of Present State Examination (PSE) among 4 ,934 Jinuo village peoples ,Jinuo tow nship ,Jinghong city ,and clue cases diagnosed and classified according to ICD‐10 .Re‐sults Total point prevalence of mental disorders was 17 .35% and lifetime prevalence 19 .09% .The point prevalence of tobacco dependence and harmful use was 10 .92% and lifetime prevalence 11 .88% ;the point prevalence of alcohol dependence and harmful use was 4 .11% and lifetime prevalence 4 .40% ;the point prevalence of sleep disorders was 0 .53% and lifetime prevalence 0 .63% ;the point prevalence of schizo‐phrenia was 0 .36% and lifetime prevalence 0 .43% ;the point prevalence of mental retardation was 0 .28%and lifetime prevalence 0 .36% ;the point prevalence of anxiety was 0 .24% and lifetime prevalence 0 .30% ;the point prevalence of affective disorders w as 0 .14% and lifetime prevalence 0 .22% ;the lifetime preva‐lence of epilepsy was 0 .08% .Conclusion Mental disorder spectrum of Jinuo nationality is broader ,tobac‐co and alcohol problems are still outstanding ,the rate of initiatively seeking treatment after suffering from psychosis is low ,and the popularity of mental health know ledge and mental health education should be en‐hanced urgently .



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