首页> 中文期刊> 《针灸临床杂志》 >穴位埋线联合穴位贴敷治疗多囊卵巢综合征(肾虚痰湿证)的临床研究




Objective:To observe the clinical effect of acupoint catgut embedding combined with acupoint application in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) of kidney deficiency and phlegm-dampness stagnation pattern.Methods:60 patients were randomly divided into the observation group (n =30) and the control group (n =30).The control group was treated with Diane-35,.and the observation group was treated by acupoint catgut embedding combined with acupoint application.They were both treated for three menstrual cycles.The improvement of clinical symptoms (polytrichia,obesity,and acne),and serum levels of testosterone (T),luteinizing hormone (LH),follicle stimulating hormone (FSH),and LH/FSH were compared before and after the treatment in the two groups;also,ovarian size,follicle quantity,and follicular diameter were measured and compared under ultrasound before and after the treatment in the two groups.Results:There were 9 cured cases,8 markedly effective cases,8 effective cases,and 5 invalid cases in the observation group;compared to 8 cured cases,6 markedly effective cases,9 effective cases,and 7 invalid cases in the control group;there was no statistically significant difference in curative effect between the two groups(P >0.05).There was statistical significance in terms of acne score and body mass index (BMI) before and after the treatment in the same group(P <0.01),but there was no significant difference in polytrichia score.After treatment,there was significant difference in BMI between the two groups (P < 0.05),but there was no significant differences in terms of acne score and polytrichia score between the two groups(P > 0.05).After the treatment,serum levels of T,LH,FSH and LH/FSH decreased significantly compared to those before the treatment in both groups,and the differences were statistically significant in the same group (P < 0.01,P < 0.05),but no differences between the groups (P > 0.05).Conclusion:The therapy of acupoint catgut embedding combined with acupoint application can relieve acne,obesity and other symptoms of PCOS,improve ovarian function,reduce the levels of LH and FSH,and its clinical efficacy was equal to Diane-35.%目的:观察穴位埋线联合穴位贴敷治疗多囊卵巢综合征(肾虚痰湿型)的临床疗效.方法:将60例多囊卵巢综合征(肾虚痰湿型)患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,各30例.对照组给予达英-35口服治疗,治疗组给予穴位埋线联合穴位贴敷治疗,均治疗3个月经周期.比较两组治疗前后临床症状改善情况(如多毛、肥胖、痤疮);比较两组治疗前后血清睾酮(T)、黄体生成素(LH)、促卵泡激素(FSH)水平及LH/FSH水平;比较两组治疗前后B超测量卵巢大小及卵巢内卵泡直径和数量变化情况.结果:治疗组临床痊愈9例,显效8例,有效8例,无效5例,对照组临床痊愈8例,显效6例,有效9例,无效7例,两组疗效比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).治疗后,痤疮评分、体重指数(BMI)组内比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);多毛评分组内比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).治疗后,体重指数(BMI)组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);痤疮评分、多毛评分组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).治疗后,两组血清T、LH、FSH水平及LH/FSH值均显著降低,组内治疗前后比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01或P<0.05);组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:穴位埋线联合穴位贴敷治疗能够改善痤疮、肥胖等症状,改善卵巢功能,降低垂体促黄体生长激素、促卵泡激素水平,临床疗效与西药达英-35相当.



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