首页> 中文期刊> 《楚雄师范学院学报》 >孔孟食道与当代中国的反腐倡廉




“Confucius and Mencius’food principle ”is a core concept of Chinese national food cul-ture tradition presented by Mr Zhao Rong Guang in 1998 . The emphasis of his analysis is“sufficient food and frugal cost ”. Under his inspiration ,I have carefully studied the original Confucian classics. I figure that there are at least three aspects of the actual meaning about“Confucius and Mencius’food principle”:①keep hierarchy ,keep virtue and etiquette .②shaping ambition with food ,take it as its way .③sufficient food and frugal cost . Many emperors and great persons in China’s history practice this principle personally ,but also many cases about extravagance lead to ruin. n The conclusion discussed by Mao Ze Dong and Huang Yan Pei in Yan’an on the eve of liberation and the“examination theory ”presented by Mao Ze Dong before he moved to Beijing actually contain the basic spirit of Confucius and Mencius’food principle . It seems that diet is a part of daily life ,but resort to all means to get dainty food and reckless squander the blood of people will lead to ruin certainly . Nowadays , It has a urgent practical significance to get a deep understanding of Confucius and Mencius’food principle against China’s anti-corruption and thoroughly implement the“eight provisions ”.%“孔孟食道”是赵荣光先生在1998年提出的关于中华民族饮食文化传统的核心概念,他所剖析的重点是“足食节用”。在他的启发下,本人仔细地研读了先秦儒家的元典著作,认为“孔孟食道”至少有以下三个方面的实际内涵:①上下不移,仁礼为先;②以食养志,取之有道;③足食节用,崇俭抑奢。中国历史上不乏躬身践行孔孟食道的英明帝王和志士仁人,却也有因骄奢淫逸而导致亡国灭族的惨痛案例。n  解放前夕,毛泽东和黄炎培在延安的“窑洞对策”以及毛泽东在进京前的“赴考论”,实际上都包含有孔孟食道的基本精神。饮食,看似日常生活琐事,但不择手段地追求精美饮食,不计后果地挥霍劳动人民的血汗,必将导致亡党亡国。针对当前中国的反腐倡廉和深入贯彻中央“八项规定”的高潮,深刻理解孔孟食道,具有迫切的现实意义。



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