首页> 中文期刊>重庆三峡学院学报 >生命的思考--关于史铁生研究




December 31st 2010 is the day when the writer Shi Tiesheng passed away. After his death, a lot of articles were published by Chinese literary circle, literary researchers and readers. Only the year 0f 2011 saw hundreds of articles published to yearn and research Shi Tiesheng. The core or the keywords in the articles with the name of Shi Tiesheng involved in the tile are concentrated on “reflection on life”. It can thus be seen that the value of Shi Tiesheng’s literary creation is not confined in words themselves but has gone beyond to the reflection on life. Moreover, this reflection has broken free from a personal thinking and risen to a transcendental one on life.%  2010年12月31日,作家史铁生逝世。史铁生逝世后,中国文坛、文学研究者和读者们发表了大量的文章,仅2011年一年间,怀念类和研究类文章数量就达到了数百篇。以中国期刊网收录的标题中含有“史铁生”的文章来看,其核心或关键词主要集中于“生命的思考”,由此可以看出,史铁生及其创作的价值已不局限于文字,更在于其文字所传达的生命意义的思考,而且这种思考已突破了个体命运的迷思,形成了对生命体验的超越和升华。



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