首页> 中文期刊>重庆电子工程职业学院学报 >论美国联邦政府对西部农业经营条件的改善措施




在美国延绵百年的西部开发运动中,农业开发是比较成功的.但是,由于西部农业开发早期,政府对环境因素的忽视,使美国西部生态环境恶化,联邦政府通过一系列措施采治理日益恶化的生态环境,并针对农业现代化进程中出现的问题制定了相应的金融政策来解决,从而从生态和经营环境两方面改善了西部农民的经营条件,进而促进了西部农业经济的持续发展.这为我国西部开发中生态环境的保护以及更好地解决农民问题提供了借鉴.%The movement of the western development stretches for centuries in the United States, agricultural development is more successful. However, due to the Government's neglect of environmental factors in the early development of western agriculture, so that the deterioration of ecological environment in the western United States, the federal government had to through a series of measures to control the deteriorating ecological environment, and set financial policy to solve the problems which arises in the process of agricultural modernization, so that from the ecological and business environment to improve the business conditions of the western farmers, thereby promoting the development of western region's sustained agricultural economic. It provided useful experience and lessons for China's western region ecological and environmental protection as well as the better solution of farmer problems.



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