首页> 中文期刊> 《中国药学(英文版)》 >不同叶型半夏蛋白质差异性初步分析




采用紫外分光光度法、非变性和变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析半夏总蛋白.结果显示:芍药叶叶型半夏和掌叶叶型半夏的总蛋白含量远高于竹叶叶型和桃叶叶型半夏.聚类分析结果显示:生长于南川县的四种叶型半夏样品,除芍药叶叶型半夏外,竹叶叶型、掌叶叶型和桃叶叶型显示相对较高的遗传相似性;采自不同地区的芍药叶叶型半夏遗传相似性较高,表明芍药叶叶型半夏受环境影响相对较小.因此,在半夏生产中,可以根据不同的需要,规范半夏种子纯度.%Total proteins extracted from Pinellia ternata with different types of leaves have been assayed by UV absorbance, blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). We found that the total protein contents of P. ternata with the herbaceous peony and claw types of leaves were much higher than that with other types of leaves. P. ternata collected from Nanchuan County, except the ones with herbaceous peony leaves, displayed a high similarity with each other. Both UV absorbance and cluster analysis indicated that the protein content in P. ternata with the herbaceous peony leaves was less affected by habitats than that with other types of leaves. The results showed that it was necessary to increase the homogeneity of seeds for improving the protein content of P. ternata.



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