首页> 中文期刊>中华女子学院学报 >女性在田野调查中的性别处境研究



When a researcher begins his or her work, sources of information often try to allocate him or her an appropriate position. In the meantime, the researcher strives to negotiate relationships in an effort to find her place. This paper, based on interviews of 12 women researchers, tries to understand if the researchers have suffered from dilemmas because of their genders. The results found that although women researchers differed in age, profession and life experience, there were similarities in their experiences. The most common problem women researchers in the field study encountered was that their professional roles were ignored. They were treated as occupying traditional female roles, such as their work was paid no attention but the women's bodies were the focus of attention. In this context, in order to enable research to be carried out smoothly, women researchers usually choose either to be polite or not to speak.%当研究者进入田野,田野对象就会试图将研究者放置在一个位置上,而研究者也会给自身寻找一个适合的位置,田野对象对研究者的定位反映的即是一般的社会性别价值。通过对12位女性研究者进行访谈,拟了解女性研究者是否因自身性别而遭受困境,其性别先前理解又是如何影响她对于性别差别遭遇的反应的。结果发现,虽然处于不同的年龄、专业领域,拥有不同的生活阅历,女性研究者在田野中的经验却有着相似之处,即她们的专业角色被忽视,更多地被视为传统女性的角色。在这一现实背景下,为了使研究能够顺利进行,女性研究者通常的选择是表现得有礼貌或者不得不忍气吞声。



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