首页> 中文期刊>西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >地方文献整理与研究的若干问题——以清代地方档案的整理与研究为中心




地方文献的整理与研究呈方兴未艾之势,同国家的发展和个人的需要密不可分。目前对地方文献的整理,通行的有点校、影印和前两者结合三种方式,三者各有优劣。地方档案的整理应注重保护史料的"原生性",首先考虑的应是存留档案"原件总量"和保持"档案排列原貌;"档案的选取应以"卷"而不是以"件"为单位。学术创新不全在于题目的新颖,而取决于解决问题的新内容、新见解;学术研究需要以开放的心态吸纳海内外同行学者共同参与,也要以全球化、整体史的视野开展跨专题、跨地域、跨学科的深度研究,为构建严密与科学的研究体系做准备,惟有如此,方有可能使地方文献之学升华为"显学"。%The collation and research of local archives are in the ascendant,which is inseparable from the development of the country and individual needs.For the collation of local archives,three current prevailing ways are proofreading,photocopying and a combination of the first two ways,and they have respective advantages and disadvantages.The collation of local archives should focus on protecting the "originality" of historical documents,keeping the "original amount" and "original arrangement of files".Its selection should be based on the "volume" rather than the "piece" as a unit.Academic innovation doesn’t lie in the novel fitle,but in the new content and new ideas which can be used to solve the problems.Therefore,much is needed to be dome not only for peer scholars at home and abroad with an open mind,but for the cross-topics,cross-regional,inter-disciplinary and in-depth study from the globalization and overall-history perspectives to build a rigorous and scientific research system.Only in this way will the scholarship for the local archives become a "school".



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