首页> 中文期刊> 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 >略论近代四川沱江流域糖业经营方式




Since the modem times, sugar plantation of Sichuan Tuo river region has been expanting, which accelerats the process of commercialization and industrialization of regional economy and induces the regional movement of management style of sugar industry. On the one hand, this paper discusses three patterns of peasant involvement in sugarcane production in the modern Tuo river region:l )peasants engaging solely in growing sugarcane ;2)peasants growing sugarcane and extracting the juice from it themselves; and 3) peasants producing sugar in cooperatives. These economic management patterns coexist,reflecting the dissolution of the union between tilling and weaving in farm management patterns in the Tuo river valley,and the complexity of social economy in rural areas. On the other hand, this paper also interprets the diversity of the production patterns of sugar : the transformation of sugar manufac- ture from the household sideline production to the handicraft workshops ;the coexistence of three kinds of productivity.%匠代以来,四川沱江流域的甘蔗种植呈扩大趋势,既加快了区域经济商品化及工业化的进程,也进一步引起了糖业经营方式的区域性变动。蔗农家庭经营存在着三种形态:单一农业经营、自种自榨自经营、合作社经营。这三种经营形态分别代表了该地区粮食作物与经济作物种植比例的变化、农业与手工业的重新组合及生产的合作化等几个发展方向。生产方式多元化成为糖业发展的主流趋势:一方面传统家庭副业性质的制糖方式向以市场为导向的手工工场性质制糖方式的转变,另一方面土糖房、机制糖厂及小型改良糖厂等多种生产力形式并存;前者是以手工制糖技术的专业化及蔗农的贫困化为基础的,后者是以机器制糖业对手工制糖业的依赖为前提的。



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