首页> 外国专利> Production of pepper or concrete at tricyclic tin level, including Sichuan pepper and halogenaldehyde extracts, occurs at a rate of 1:0005 to 1:00.1; processing methods include mixing Sichuan pepper extracts with aminoaldehyde solutions. From 1:0005 to 1:00.1

Production of pepper or concrete at tricyclic tin level, including Sichuan pepper and halogenaldehyde extracts, occurs at a rate of 1:0005 to 1:00.1; processing methods include mixing Sichuan pepper extracts with aminoaldehyde solutions. From 1:0005 to 1:00.1



Composition that produces itching or tingling trigeminal comprising extract of Sichuan Pepper and cinnamic aldehyde in a ratio of 1: 1: 0, 0.00501; or frozen Dairy Food Composition comprising the composition; use of the extract; and production method of said composition.
机译:产生三叉神经发痒或刺痛的组合物,其包含比例为1 :: 0、0.00501的四川胡椒和肉桂醛的提取物;或包含所述组合物的冷冻乳制品组合物;提取物的用途;所述组合物的制造方法。



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