首页> 中文期刊> 《水文》 >一种基于VB求解小流域设计洪峰流量的图解方法




1958年陈家琦等人提出了计算小流域设计洪峰流量的水利科学院推理公式法.该方法以暴雨形成洪水的成因分析为基础,建立计算模型,一般情况下能够较好地反映流域的产、汇流关系,具有很好的实用性.本文针对现行推理公式参数计算中存在的问题提出一种基于VB (Visual Basic)编程语言的计算机化的图解方法.应用实例表明,相比于传统图解法和迭代法,基于VB求解推理公式参数的方法可实现计算机自动绘图自动求解,不但计算简捷直观,而且精度高,便于工程使用.%CHEN Jiaqi and some other researchers proposed the inference formula method of Water Resources Research Institute to calculate the designed peak flood of small basins in 1958. The method was based on the cause of floods resulted from heavy storm rains, and established the calculation model. Typically, it could reflect the relation of runoff production and confluence well, and had good practicability. Aiming at the problems of parameter calculation existing in the present formula, this paper put forth a method based on VB (Visual Basic) programming. Comparing with traditionally adopts graphic solution and Iteration method, this application demonstrates that the method for parameter calculation in inference formula based on VB can realize the computerized automatic drawing and solution, which is not only easy calculation but also high accuracy and is convenient to use.



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