首页> 中文期刊> 《中国延安干部学院学报》 >中国共产党抵御执政风险的历史考察与基本经验




执政风险是与政党执政相伴生的历史现象。中国共产党从走上执政地位就面临执政风险的考验,为抵御执政风险进行了艰辛而曲折的探索,取得了重要的认识和实践成果。十一届三中全会后,党领导人民在开拓中国特色社会主义道路过程中,不断深化对抵御执政风险规律的认识,在长期执政实践中积累了丰富的抵御执政风险经验,对今后党抵御风险和安全执政具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。%Risks in governance is a historical phenomenon that accompanies the governance by political par- ties. Ever since it stepped up the governing position, the Communist Party of China has faced, carried out hard and tortuous explorations for the defense against, and acquired important cognitive and practical fruits on risks in gov- ernance. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee during its leadership over the people in the process of blazing a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Party continuously deepens the under- standing of the laws of defense against risks in governance, and accumulates rich experience in defending against risks in governance through long-term governing practice. It is of significant theoretical and practical values for the Party's risk defense and safe governance in the future.



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