首页> 中文期刊> 《中国延安干部学院学报》 >选人用人机制科学化的三个理论问题




Based on the analysis of major measures for the reform of personnel system for cadres in recent years, this paper proposes three deep-rooted theoretical problems that must be resolved currently to promote the scientification of personnel selection and appointment mechanisms: first the political attributes of the ranks of our civil servants as a ruling group must be recognized, diverse criteria and methods for personnel selection should be established from the perspective to embody the political representation function of the ranks of civil servants; sec- ondly the trap of nominator diversification must be disengaged from the perspective of scientific allocation the au- thority of cadre appointment ; thirdly the functions of the masses in cadre selection and appointment must be scien- tifically positioned, and the forms and limitations of democracy in cadre selection and appointment must be clari- fied.%本文在对近年来干部人事制度改革主要措施分析的基础上,提出当前推进选人用人机制科学化,必须解决三个方面的深层次理论问题:一是要认清我国公务员队伍作为执政群体的政治属性,从体现公务员队伍政治代表功能的角度,确立多样化的选人标准和选拔方式;二是要从科学配置干部任用权的角度,从提名权主体多元化的误区中摆脱出来;三是要对群众在干部选拔任用中的作用有科学定位,厘清干部选拔任用中民主的形式和限度。



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