首页> 中文期刊> 《中国井冈山干部学院学报》 >中国共产党思想建党与党员教育的关系研究r——以浙江省台州市为例




思想建党是中国共产党的独特理论创新和优良传统,新时代全面从严治党应首先把握和处理好思想建党与党员教育这一基本关系.二者关系体现为共生与互动、理论与实践、战略与战术、目标与路径等基本类型.在中国特色社会主义进入新时代的历史背景下,以思想建党与党员关系处理的历史经验为借鉴,遵循处理二者关系的政治发展逻辑,突出党员教育的政治性、思想性、组织性、推动性、持续性和载体化,是推进思想建党真正落地的重要路径选择.%Ideological building is a unique theoretical innovation and good party building tradition of the CPC, and the basic relation between ideological party building and party member education should be well understood and handled for comprehensively strengthening party discipline for the new era. The relation between the two is embodied as symbiosis and interaction,theory and practice,strategy and tactics,goal and approach,and so forth. Under the historical background that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,an important approach for carrying through ideological party building is as follows:learn from the historical experiences in handling the relation between ideological party building and party member education,obey the logic of political development for handling the relation between the two,and highlight the political,ideological,organizational,pro-moting and lasting nature and choose proper media of party member education.



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