首页> 中文期刊> 《常熟理工学院学报》 >浅议《牧斋先生年谱》及其作者葛万里




The chronicle of Mr. Muzhai by Ge Wan-li in the reign of Kangxi, is the earliest chronicle of Qian Qianyi in the world. This book chronicles Qian’s most important traveling trails, communication with friends and representative works. It is also of great documental value for the contents that cannot be seen in any other histori⁃cal materials. Born as a member of a most distinguished literature family in Kunshan County, Ge wrote a great many books. With regard to Ge’s natal and obituary year, there has been no precise record but can be traced back to the years between Kangxi and Yongzheng’s reigns of the Qing Dynasty.%  葛万里著《牧斋先生年谱》,为存世最早的一份钱谦益年谱,写作年代大致在清康熙晚期。该年谱以编年体形式,介绍了谱主一生中主要的活动行迹、交游对象、重要著述,有一些内容,已不见于其他文字记载,具有重要的文献价值。作者葛万里出身于江苏昆山望族,传承脉络清晰且可观,族内多人勤于著述。葛万里受其家族影响,著述颇多;其生卒年,虽无准确年份,但有线索可查,可以大致确定在清康熙年间。



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