首页> 中文期刊> 《长春理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 >以羊肚菌菌丝为抗原的不同免疫程序对Balb/c鼠抗体水平的影响




In this research, we immunized Balb/cmice usingmorchella hyphae as antigen, detected the levels of antibody of immune animals in serum by established indirect enzy me-linked immunosorbent adsorption test (ELISA), through different immune dose, different immunemethod, different immune time to induced different antibody titers. The results of this study indicate that antibody level of intraperitoneal injection is higher than that of subcutaneous andmuscle injection under the same conditions; with the increase of immune dose of antigen, antibody levels increase significant; antibody levels ofmany immune times are significantly higher than single; The use of adjuvants have no significant influence on antibody levels.In conclusions, under the condition of appropriate dose, adjuvants free, intraperitoneal injection sevaral times, morchella hyphae antigen can induce higher antibody levels in a short time.%以羊肚菌菌丝为抗原,免疫Balb/c鼠.用建立的酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)间接法检测不同免疫剂量、不同免疫途径、不同免疫次数等免疫程序影响因素所对应的免疫Balb/c鼠的血清抗体水平,得出产生抗体水平较高的快捷的免疫程序.结论:70μg/只剂量的不含佐剂的羊肚菌菌丝抗原,经由腹腔间隔4d连续3次注射的免疫程序,可以在首免的25d后产生较高水平的抗体.



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