首页> 中文期刊>中南大学学报(自然科学版) >运营期渗漏水隧道注浆材料适用性




根据运营期渗漏水隧道注浆治理对注浆材料的要求,研究普通硅酸盐水泥、水泥−水玻璃、超细水泥及聚合物水泥主要性能参数,设计开元隧道3个地质条件相似试验段,采用普通水泥、超细水泥及聚合物水泥进行现场注浆,通过雷达探测及现场工况进行注浆效果评估,结合注浆技术可行性、注浆效果及经济性,分析运营期隧道不同渗漏水条件下注浆材料适用性。研究结果表明:聚合物水泥浆液流动度、结石率及结石体强度较大,聚合物水泥浆液对含水构造渗漏水通道封堵密实;超细水泥适用于微孔隙及微裂隙渗水区域,聚合物水泥适用于裂隙密集渗漏水区或表面渗水区,普通水泥适用于空洞较大区域,水泥−水玻璃浆液适用于流量水压较大漏水区域。%The main performance parameters of four types of cement-based grouts for operational tunnels were studied based on the grouting requirements for grouts in water-leakage operational tunnels. The Kaiyuan Tunnel situ-tests with three similar geological conditions were designed. The ordinary portland cement, microfine portland cement and polymer cement were used for grouting. The grouting effects of different grouts for the water-leakage operational tunnel were evaluated based on the analysis results of radar detections. According to the feasibility of grouting technology, grouting effects and economical efficiency, the suitability of grouts for different water-leakage conditions in operational tunnels were analyzed. The results show that the fluidity, concretion rate and consolidation strength of polymer cement are satisfied, and the plugging effects of polymer cement for water-leakage channels are excellent in situ-tests. The microfine portland cement is suitable for the water-leakage areas with micro pores or micro cracks, and the polymer cement can be applied to the water-leakage areas with concentrated fissures or surface seepage zones. The portland cement can be used for areas with large or wide holes, and the cement−water glass slurry is suitable for areas with large flow or high pressure.



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