


随着全球化浪潮的推进,人类生活的互相联系与依赖的一体化趋势日益明显,这带给了我们世界文明的进步与发展,也造成了人类生存道德危机,现今世界迫切呼唤普遍伦理的到来。普遍伦理不是现存伦理的普遍化,而是一种新的伦理规则。它的建立是完全可能的,世界市场的形成为它提供了经济基础,人类对永久和平幸福的向往为它提供了观念基础,以及现存伦理规范中的一些共同认识为它提供了沟通基础。%With the advance of the tide of globalization,the integration of interrelated human life dependent trend has become increasingly evident,which brings to the progress and development of the world civilization,and also contributed to the moral crisis of the survival of mankind,the world today calls for the arrival of universal ethics.The universal ethics is not generalization of existing ethics but a new ethics rules.It is entirely possible to establish universal ethics.The formation of the world market provides economic base for it,human yearning for a permanent peace and happiness provides concept base for it,as well as some of the existing ethical norms based communication provides a common understanding for it.



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