首页> 中文期刊> 《灾害学》 >秦巴山区矿产资源开采区地质灾害致灾模式研究




The geological environment is fragile in Qinling-Bashan Mountains,and combine with the mining engineering activities,geological hazard takeplacefrequently.The currentresearches on geological hazard in mineral resources exploitation area are less.This paper expounded the current situation of mineral resources and exploita-tion in Qinling-Bashan mountains,the mining are mainly mini-type dimensions,mining class are mainly metal minerals,building materials and non-metallic mineral,mining method are mainlyopen pit mining;summarized the development situation ofgeological hazard,and which caused by mining activities of in Qinling-Bashan mountains, the geological hazard caused by mining activity is mainly debris flow.Then four kinds of modes were put forward:intense deformation caused by mining overburden rock,slow deformation caused by mining overburden rock,the coupling of mining waste residue and rainfall,and the deformation of open pit slope;and enumerated some typical geological hazard.It has great significance to the prevention and control of geological hazard in mineral resources exploration area.%秦巴山区地质环境脆弱,加之受到采矿工程活动的影响,区内地质灾害频发。目前矿产资源开采区内地质灾害研究相对较少。该文阐述了秦巴山区矿产资源开采区内开采现状,区内矿山以小型为主,开采矿类以金属矿产和建材非金属矿产为主,开采方式以露天开采为主;总结了秦巴山区地质灾害发育现状及采矿活动引发的地质灾害现状,采矿活动引发的地质灾害以泥石流为主,提出了4种致灾模式:采矿覆岩剧烈变形致灾型,采矿覆岩缓慢变形致灾型,采矿废渣与降雨耦合致灾型和露天边坡变形致灾型,并列举了部分典型地质灾害点。这对秦巴山区矿产资源开采区地质灾害防治具有重要的意义。



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