首页> 中文期刊>滨州学院学报 >诗词曲赋视野下的孙子与《孙子兵法》




吟咏孙子与《孙子兵法》的诗词曲赋,既有只言片语,也有长篇宏论。这些诗词曲赋出自不同的社会环境和不同的个人情感。有的诞生于承平之世,有的诞生于战乱之际,有的创作于武科应试之际,有的创作于友人送别之际,有的是对不良风气的讥刺,有的是孙氏后裔对祖先的凭吊。这些诗词曲赋主要表达了四种不同情怀:一是对孙子治兵才能的夸赞,二是对孙子兵学思想的赞叹,三是以孙子风格创作、品评诗作,四是对孙子历史遗迹所发的幽思。这些诗词曲赋分散在史书、小说、文集、诗集、剧曲、画作、碑刻中,而它们的作者又出身于不同的社会阶层。因此,这些诗词曲赋不仅提升了孙子的社会知名度,而且有力地推动了《孙子兵法》向更为广泛的社会领域传播。%Poems and operas reciting Sun Tzu and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War had not only a word or two but also a long statement .These poems and operas had been from different social background .Some were created in the social pacific time ,some in the national war time ,some in the military exam ,some in when friends parted with ,some in criticizing adverse social atmosphere ,and some in Sun Tzu’s descendants in missing their ancestor .Thousands of different forms but not the only one .The contents of these poems and operas expressed the authors’ different feel‐ings :the first was to praise Sun Tzu’s ability managing the army .The second was to praise Sun Tzu’s military thought .The third was to criticize poems by Sun Tzu’s the style of writing .And the fourth was to ponder for Sun Tzu’s historical remains .Their authors of these poems ,novels ,essays dispersed in history ,poetry ,drama ,inscrip‐tions ,paintings ,and were from different social strata .Not only had these poems and operas enhanced Sun Tzu’s so‐cial awareness ,but also effectively promoted Sun Tzu’s The A rt of War in more widespread social field .



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