首页> 中文期刊>滨州学院学报 >融合与构建:民国《孙子兵法》研究




The research of The Art of War in modern times is conducted with the double pressure and motiva‐tion of academic construction and the national war ,which integrates Chinese and Western military science and repre‐sents strong academic and national conscientiousness .The research of The Art of War undergoes a position recon‐structing and zigzag process .In this process of negation of negation ,whether the research mode or research connota‐tion reflects heavy integrating characteristics of times and practical characteristics of anti‐aggression war .In this peri‐od ,the research of The Art of War highlights academic prosperity of varieties of schools and the practical power of meeting the attack ,which leaves marvelous wisdom treasure and huge thinking space for later generations .%近代《孙子兵法》研究是在构建学术和救亡战争的双重压力与动力下进行的,其间融合中西兵学,体现了强烈的学术自觉和民族自觉。《孙子兵法》研究在近代经历了地位重建的曲折过程,在这个否定之否定的过程中,无论是研究模式还是研究内涵都体现了浓重的融合中西的时代特点和反侵略战争的实践特点,这个时期的《孙子兵法》研究因此也更凸显了学术的百家之色和实践的应战之力,留给后人以巨大的智慧财富和宽广的思考空间。



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